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Advia Centaur XPT Immunoassay Anaylzyer


Designed with one of the most advanced software packages on the market, the ADVIA Centaur® XPT System is among the highest-throughput systems available. The ADVIA Centaur XPT System delivers the results that clinicians depend upon for accurate diagnoses and better patient care—and does so predictably and consistently.
Siemens unites innovative workflow solutions with clinical excellence in the ADVIA Centaur XPT System, leading to greater laboratory productivity to stay ahead of increasing workload demands.

  • Simplified operation enhances lab efficiency.

  • Cutting-edge immunoassay testing supports clinicians in the screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of the most complex diseases.

  • Powerful automation and software streamline and accelerate your workflow.



Features & Benefits

Simplified, continuous operation

  • Intuitive, icon-driven user interface for simplified training and operation

  • On-the-fly loading and unloading of samples, reagents, and supplies

  • 2D bar-code scanner uploads test definitions with one easy scan, saving valuable time

  • Automated daily maintenance and no monthly cleaning procedures

  • No daily startup procedure

  • Status light displays system alerts visible from anywhere in the laboratory

Accurate, timely results

  • Comprehensive menu supports over 70 tests*

  • Versatile, advanced AE technology, with over 40 active patents, enables continual introduction of new and innovative assays

  • Up to 240 tests per hour for fast turnaround, even during peak workload times

  • STAT port allows priority sampling at any time, even when connected to automation

  • Highly stable, ready-to-use reagents are used on all ADVIA Centaur systems

  • Disposable sample tips ensure no sample-to-sample carryover

  • Automated clot management virtually eliminates operator intervention

  • SMART algorithm software automates repeat and confirmatory testing of reactive samples

Powerful, seamless connectivity

  • Designed for automation; requires no additional robotics

  • Point-in-space technology enables direct-from-track sampling

  • STAT samples can be front-loaded at any time for immediate sampling, driving rapid turnaround time (TAT)

  • Direct connectivity to Siemens Automation Solutions, the CentraLink™ Data Management System, and Siemens Remote Service (SRS) , enabling laboratories to adapt and grow as their workloads demand.

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